Peranan Kreativitas dan Inovasi dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas UMKM Pengolah Mangga Podang (Studi pada Kelompok Tani Wanita “Budidaya” Desa Tiron Kecamatan Banyakan Kabupaten Kediri)


  • Martina Purwaning Diah Universitas Brawijaya



creativity, inovation, Usaha Mikro Kecil & Menengah (UMKM), processed mango


Kediri Regency is a podang mango center in East Java. Tiron village located on the slopes of Wilis mountain is one of the largest areas of podang mango. It was utilized by local communities to make fresh podang mango into products that have high economic selling value. The women’s farmer group "Budidaya" is one of  the pioneers who start up the podang mango processing business which received the assistance from Japan International Cooperation Agency, Faculty of Agriculture Technology Universitas Brawijaya and Kediri Regency Local Government. This research was conducted to use the qualitative descriptive approach with data retrieval technique through the observation, interview and documentation. The results revealed that the lack of creativity and innovation from  the women’s farmer group “Budidaya†makes the business run decline. It was also supported by the lack insight of the leader in developing business management so the business was to be bankrupt. The support of stakeholders were needed to develop the women’s farmer group“Budidaya†increase the productivity and raise the high income. Moreover, the product could be one of best product from Kediri Regency.


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